Registering a limited liability company in Nevada is easy. There are a few basic processes which qualify organizations for LLC status. Any Nevada LLC formation must contain articles of organization that must be signed by at least two persons who are organizing the LLC. These articles should be delivered, along with a copy, to the Nevada Secretary of State, Corporations Division, for filing. Nevada law calls for the inclusion of certain information in the articles.
This information to be included in the articles must include several things. The first item required is a business name. The name that is chosen must have either Limited-Liability Company, Limited Liability Company, Limited Company, or Limited at the end. Alternately, the name can also contain abbreviations like Ltd., L.L.C.,L.C., LLC or LC. Further, the word company can be abbreviated as Co. The names selected should also be clearly distinguishable from the names of any other Nevada limited liability company. Additionally, there are several other obligations to be adhered to in selecting a name. The details of these are available with the service agents or the Nevada government.
The Nevada LLC...