If you are new to Internet Marketing and finding it difficult to get started, youre not alone. You probably search the Internet for so long that you found yourself back at the same starting point, but with a lot of hype and information overload. Odds are your asking the same question, How Do I Get Started? Fortunately there is an easy way, and best of all you don’t need a web site.
Many people think in order to start a business or sell a product they need a web site. The typical process would be:
– Find a product that can be sold or promoted. This can be anything from an affiliate program to buying resell rights or private label rights for ebooks or software.
– Build a website that requires finding a web hosting provider, design the site, and creating content.
– Promote the website and product by advertising, link exchanges and any other method that will drive traffic to your site.
If you take one part from each of the three processes above you will have: a product from joining an affiliate program, creating content for distribution, and promoting it.
The process now looks like this:
– Join a...