It is in fact very annoying when you just can’t stop receiving mails about a new credit card offer. If you are a new credit card holder and is paying your bills on time, you will likely get credit card offers frequently.
You have to know that four major credit bureaus have the right to sell your information to credit card companies. This is how this credit card offers always ends up in your mailbox with your name on it.
You may receive one or two credit card offers in the first month and can easily ignore them. But, after a few months, you will notice that almost two thirds of your mail will be credit card offers and can be very annoying.
You will encounter different offers such as low balance transfer rates, low interest rates and even no annual fee for credit cards. Although you may find the offers to be very attractive, you are likely not interested in the offers. If you are, you would rather go to the bank or the issuer yourself and apply for what they are offering and not receive some anonymous mail that you aren’t even interested in.
However, there is a way to get rid of these credit card offers that you are frequently receiving in...