For many homes around the world a restful sleep after a day of hard work and stress is becoming difficult to achieve. Every night, countless people are subjected to more stress at home during the time when they should be in bed and recharging their energy, all because of a snoring spouse or partner.
It is a fact that snoring accounts for many lost hours of sleep each night. Lost sleep is not only limited to the men or women who are in the bed next to the snorer but also other family members who are losing sleep over the problem as well. The loud and booming sound of the snoring can reverberate throughout an entire house, with virtually no escape for those struggling to sleep against the noise.
But the issue of snoring for many people reaches far beyond just the annoyance and frustration of the sound. In some individual snoring could be a symptom of a much more serious problem called Sleep Apnea. This is a condition where a person who is asleep stops breathing for a period of time. If you live with a snorer who sleeps deeply, you may have observed this phenomenon without even realizing it.
In many cases, a snoring individual falls into a rhythmic breathing...