Dear Computer Lady,
I am a stay at home mom with a home party plan business. I do a lot of training through emails.
My question and dilemma is this, when I receive an email I “move” it to a folder in my email account. Is there a way to save that folder and its contents to my computer and burn that info onto a cd or just have as a folder on my desktop?
I refer to this information often and would like access to it quickly and readily.
Thanks for your help and all your great emails, Jacqueline in Reno, NV
Dear Jacqueline,
Moving e-mail messages in and out of your e-mail program is more involved than it would seem. This is because each message is contained in one larger file that your e-mail program maintains. When you drag a message to your desktop, it does become a separate file, but you still need to have your e-mail program open to use the file, and putting that message back into your e-mail program is not as easy as getting it out.
I have experimented with saving messages over the years and have done everything from saving each one as a text file, to creating extensive folders in my email program.
Since you...