How To Tell If Baby Allergies Are Signs Of Intolerance
Any allergy, from whatever media it might come from, begins with the same reaction. The body mistakenly assumes that an particle, whether its pollen, or in the case of food allergies, a food protein, as a harmful threat.
The immune system then releases immunoglobin E, otherwise known as IgE into the bloodstream, triggering a chain of events that release histamines in the body to attempt to combat the foreign particle. A skin rash, runny eyes, sneezing, whatever the manifestations, they still have the same first steps.
Baby Food Allergies
A baby will typically have an adverse reaction toward a food product, and one can often easily see what these reactions are.
An example of an intolerant reaction to a food product would be from lactose intolerance, where people who are intolerant cannot break down the sugar in dairy products.
Spotting Trouble Signs
A potentially dangerous allergy in infants can be seen because of the reactions from the food being eaten. A common example would be an infant having loose bowels after eating, and may even vomit the food in an effort to expel it...