I have been a sufferer from the condition alopecia for many years. Like all sufferers of alopecia we search for how to treat alopecia and its cures in the hope that soon we can return back to a full head of hair.
Only recently i won the battle so i decided here to write about how i treat alopecia and the cures that actually work for me for other people with alopecia.
Thinning hair had dramatic effects on me personally. The feelings of anxiety are common when alopecia starts. As a previous sufferer of alopecia all i did was worry about my thinning hair when all i wanted to do was just live a normal life.
The pressures of society to look beautiful projected in glossy magazines and media advertising only go to make matters worse for the sufferer with sometimes feelings of isolation taking effect. The pschological factors of anyone losing their hair at any age can be catastrophic.
It has been estimated that 50% of men aged up to 50 years old suffer from alopecia and 40% of woman suffer from alopecia by menopause age.
1.7% of the population overall, including more than 4.7 million people in the USA alone suffer from alopecia and most don’t...