How To Use Golf Training Aids To Get The Perfect Grip
Just grip it and rip it! Some of the sagest golf advice you’ll ever hear. Just grab the club and swing and forget about everything else. Grip it incorrectly before you rip it however, and you will end up somewhere in the woods on the right or in the water on the left searching for your $4 ball.
There are lots of pitfalls to avoid if you want to hit it straight. If you position both of your hands too far clockwise on the grip, otherwise known as a strong grip, you will tend to close the face of the club before contact and therefore hook the ball (for a right handed player). If you take a weak grip with your hands rotated too far counter-clockwise, you will tend to leave the clubface open and slice the ball. Hold the club too much in your palms and you will reduce your ability to cock your wrists, leading to a loss of power. Too much in the fingers and it will be difficult to control the club, reducing your consistency.
Now, you can see how important it is to get your hands on the club in the correct way. Of course, there is no single right way for everyone, some players will tend to have a slightly...