How To Use Your Credit Card To Really Save You Some Money
Today it is very common to think of credit cards as one of the major causes of so many people getting in debt. While that certainly is true for some, it may come as a surprise to you to know that by using a credit card in a certain way, that you could actually get sizable savings. Here are some tips for getting the maximum benefits of your credit card.
Get A Card With 0% Interest
If you have had your card for some time, then you have already passed the limit of getting 0% interest on it. Of course, if you regularly pay your credit card bills in full and on time, then you already are practically getting 0% interest. When you get a new credit card, you often are given a promotional benefit of getting the 0% interest for up to 15 months. After that, you either want to make sure you pay every bill on time, or get a new card.
Balance Transfers
This is another fantastic feature of a good new card. By putting the balance from other cards that you are paying a higher interest on, onto the new card, you can save a good deal of money from the interest. Before you sign onto the new card, however,...