It’s unfortunate that the Internet, which seems to be the source of endless opportunity, is also the source of an even double (or triple) number of scams. Why? It’s much easier to formulate a scam that is supposed to give you some amazing benefit, but ends up stripping people of money and in fact giving the victim the complete oppositenothing, than it is to make a good product that can really benefit a multitude of people.
Today I’m going to look at a certain type of scam. The kind that people can legally get away with. Empty promises that leave people empty handed in the end. I’m talking about Online Business Opportunities that are nothing more than a regular scam because they rob people of their money, and don’t allow them to make the money that they promised. Are all online business opportunities scams? No. There are plenty that are very legitimate and can end up making you a lot of money. The problem is, many of the sales letters and advertisements for scams and legit companies are nearly identical. I’ll outline some methods you can use to weed out some of the scams out there. For now, we’ll focus on Internet Marketing...