Winning At Fairground Games
I’m going to pen a few articles concerning how to go about increasing your chances of winning on the popular funfair games, I also hope to dispel some of the myths surrounding the way games are operated.
First off lets deal with the situation you commonly see on many games. This is the one with a giant prize, around its neck hangs the label “Me free if you lose”. Prizes of this size wholesale at around 10-20 each, common sense would indicate that you are not going to give the game attendant 1-50 and be guaranteed that prize. What happens is that the game is designed in such a way that it is very difficult to lose, you win virtually every time, but when you win you are given a small prize. The fact is that the size of prizes is directly related to the difficulty of the game, shooting galleries require skill so tend to dispense quite large prizes, a hook a duck stall you merely have to catch a floating duck, so the prize must wholesale at less than the cost of the game.
Shooting Galleries
The barrel is bent, and the sights are off are the two most common complaints heard in relation to shooting games. A gun...