Articles are defined as small pieces of information that appear in periodicals like magazines, newspapers and more recently in websites. They provide insiders information or very in-depth information about a particular topic. The question that needs to be answered is how to write an interesting article? An interesting article is not an easy task to undertake because it is quite tricky to define the word interesting in the broadest sense. Some things may be interesting and appealing to a section of people but vehemently opposed by another group. As an end result, the article being written will be appealing to only one section of the readers, whom the articles are targeted.
When I was shown by my teacher on how to write an interesting article, it did not pretty much make sense to me at that time. The article was meant to be targeted only to a particular type of audience decided by the author. Because, once that bit is done and dusted, the proposition of actually playing the game becomes less intrusive. Writing is considered important and the most potent tool against the ills in the society. The most effective ways on how to write an interesting article is discussed...