The trailer posses so many advantages as an auxiliary vehicle that it is coming into use rapidly, particularly in the central and far western states, where industry and commerce are less conservative than in the east. Those who have adopted equipment trailers find that they double their hauling capacity of their trucks, greatly reduce waiting time of trucks and drivers, and increase the earnings or cur down the ton-mile operating cost materially.
As an industry, the manufacture of trailers dates back only half a dozen years, but it has grown rapidly until today there are seventy-five or more trailer manufacturers in the country, and several are exporting to foreign countries.
Trailers are made in a wide variety of types and capacities for all sorts of purposes, ranging from the little pneumatic tired two-wheel trailer of 500 pounds capacity, to be attached behind runabouts and touring cars, to ten-ton and fifteen-ton trailers and semi-trailers, hauled by powerful tractors and motor trucks. These include car haulers, dump trailers, utility trailers, equipment trailers, gooseneck trailer etc. Size is one of the main considerations while looking for a trailer. The...