As a small business person one of the most important assets you have is your Business Credit Report? Along with your own personal character and a good credit report you can just about name your own ticket in your local community. Furthermore it can help you expand you business to the far reaches of the world. This article will give you some ideas of how important your credit report is to your profit.
As an astute business person you know you have to have to contact new customers. In a lot of cases when you do the new customers want to know how reliable you are. Not only will they be looking for personal references but they want to know you are sound financially.
They may ask you to furnish credit references and other information about you and your company. Many times these new customers will use your business and personal credit report, to verify your financial stability and personal character. By chance, if you happen to have reports of outstanding debt, which has been unpaid or public judgments for failure to finish projects, your chances of landing this new customer or slim next to none.
Not only can the above circumstances affect your ability to grow...