While on the surface this may seem like a good idea to achieving your Hundred-Fold-Life. After all you will both share the same goal of making money for the family, you are used to each others little quirks and if the business is based out of your home, the cost of getting to work can be a great savings on the family budget. However, two people learning to live together as man and wife can be tough enough without spending all day, everyday together. Before joining hands and taking the plunge into the work at home pool, you will need to take a hard look at some of the potential obstacles.
The first item on the list of possible problems is the fact that you will be spending almost every waking hour with your spouse. While compatibility in a relationship can hold it together just fine, you must determine if that compatibility can withstand another eight hours a day. Try first to do a day or two doing charity work were you would both work together. If that goes well or bad it will give you a glimpse into what your work life may be. Making the change from business partner to husband and wife every day can be a tough transition. You will not be able to leave all of your work...