The main question and perhaps why you are reading this article. Should you buy a Hybrid car in 2007 or 2008? The answer to that question really relies on you as their are many reasons to buy one and many not to buy.
Hopefully by reading this article you’ll be better informed and with the information presented here and in other areas of research you will decide whether to purchase a Hybrid Car now or in the future.
Starting off I’m going to give you some information that I’ve picked up from different auto makers, Wikpedia, Consumer Reports and other online and off line sources.
With that said I decided to give you a little history and background information concerning the electric powered car.
Did you know as far back as 1901 the hybrid car was being experimented with. It’s true a gentlemen by the name of Ferdinand Porsche designed a Hybrid car named the “Mixte”. This Hybrid used a gasoline engine powering a generator the generator powered hub motors with a backup battery pack for backup redundancy.
Then in 1915 an electric car maker a manufacturing company by the name of Woods Motor Vehicle designed a Hybrid...