Part of a plan for Stress Management may include either hypnosis or self-hypnosis, as a way to reduce and eliminate the symptoms of stress. A person under hypnosis is experiencing a trance like state, which allows them to enter into either the theta or delta states of consciousness.
These states are the equivalent of either light or deep sleep, and allow for the hypnotized person to experience an altered state of consciousness.
Hypnosis can be effective in managing stress, whether the state of hypnosis is assisted by a licensed Hypno-therapist, or whether the state is induced by the person entering into the hypnotized state.
Since many people are uncomfortable with the idea of being hypnotized by someone else, self hypnosis is often used as a part of a stress management plan.
In order for self hypnosis to take place the individual must be in a comfortable position, and be free from outside distractions. The individual should begin with some relaxation techniques, such as deep breathing, followed by releasing any tension in the muscles, one at a time, beginning with the feet and toes, and proceeding over the entire body.
When entering into a...