In 1902 a remarkable book was written by James Allen (1864-1912). The work was called “as a man thinketh” and it he shows the reader that the life you are living now is a direct result of the thoughts you had in the past. He expertly illustrates how the thoughts you are thinking now are determining the life that you are going to live tomorrow. I am sure many of you will be aware that the title of Allens little book is a direct quote from the biblical passage Proverbs 11:17 which states “as a man thinketh in his heart, so is he”. The literal 21st century interpretation would be “whatever thoughts you believe to be true and hold dear to yourself are creating your world, life and personality!”
What we continually dwell, the very thoughts we think all day long, eventually seep into the recesses of our deeper mind to form a subconscious pattern and this pattern then forms our beliefs, regulates our actions and creates our expectations. These are the thoughts that take root in your “heart” which is really the subconscious mind or the seat of your consciousness! These patterns then, in turn, begin to shape our other conscious...