I am Motor neurone disease, you might also know me as progressive muscular atrophy, or progressive bulbar palsy, or and primary lateral sclerosis, or Lou Gehrig’s disease; All the while I just prefer being called MND for short.
All these fancy names and all you want to know is if you have me or not. Read on. Usually I, motor neurone disease, exist in those individuals that are between the ages of 40-70, with my average being a respectable 55. Don’t get excited quickly thinking that I only attack those over 40 and under 70 years of age, as I have cases that range from 18 to over 100. Primarily I am characterized by “The progressive loss of voluntary muscle contraction due to the destruction of nerve cells in the brain and the spinal cord that are responsible for the stimulation of the voluntary muscles.” Although my initial symptoms can be sneaky and a little under the table (subtle), I will down the road cause progressive physical disability.
I am found easily by medical professionals who can easily spot signs, for example: upper motor neuron damage signs. Upper motor neuron damage signs are things such as spasticity, lively reflexes and...