I Can’t Find My Homework, Mom! “Ask My Dear, and It Shall be Given to You!”
Do you believe in asking God, or whatever higher power you choose to believe in, for the answers you need, when you need them? Read below for an enlightening story about my 11 year old daughter’s missing homework papers.
The problem started when my daughter took a break from her homework to eat dinner. She asked me if she could take it in her room and work on it while watching TV.
(Not a good idea, BTW). Even the best of us moms have our weak moments. :o)
Anyhow, by the time dinner was over, there was no homework to be found.
As with all lost items, I suggested the usual mom replies. “Retrace your steps.” “Think, where was the last place you wrote an answer down on it.”
She spent 15 minutes of looking, another 10 minutes of tears for fear of getting detention, during her first week of middle school, (for not turning in homework.) All the tears and whining in frustration were followed with another 10 minutes of both of us looking, and still no homework.
Can you relate?
I bet as a mom, you have...