Have you ever opened your credit card statement only to find a charge for a purchase that you did not make? It does not happen very often but it happens and you need to know what to do. The first thing that I recommend is that you do is call the merchant if the number for the merchant is not listed on the statement call your credit card company they will give the contact number for the merchant. As a merchant that sells coat racks online we receive calls from time to time from people questioning a charge from us they ask What do you sell when we respond coat racks they in veritably say oh thats right and that is the end of the problem.
If you can not get a good answer from the merchant call your credit card company and explain the situation all credit card purchases are covered by the Federal Truth in Lending Act and are covered under the Fair Credit Card Purchasing Act or commonly known as the Consumer Protection Act. This is handled by the FDIC you can get more detailed information from their web site at fdic.gov. Credit card disputes are supposed to be resolved within 90 days after you call your credit card company send them a registered letter explaining the same...