I’ve been around several people that use the word Migraine, when they talk about having a headeache. Do these people actually have migraines? What is a migraine, and are there ways to relieve them? These are some of the questions I will answer.
The word “migraine” comes from the Greek word “hemikranion” which translates to “pain affectin one side of the head”. A Migraine is a headache in a form, that is usually very strong and can almost be disabling, when intense. Unlike commong headache’s which everyone is prone to, migraines are a neurologic disease, and the most common type of vascular headache.
Although everyone individual affected by migraines will characterize the symptoms differently, the book says: severe pain on one or more sides of the head, an upset stomach, and at times disturbed vision. The difference between a headache and migraine is summed up in the word “Aura”, which refers to the migraine features that are non-headache like. Migraines have been present throughout history, and it is known that family history and genetic factors are important in the likelyhood of migraines.