Ice skating competitions can be nerve-racking experiences. They combine so many factors, from precision to style, and your personal statement shows in everything right down to the costume you wear when you skate out onto the ice. You can easily spend hundreds, even thousands, of dollars every year on your skating costumes because they are so labor-intensive to make and they must be fitted so precisely to give the right lines to your body.
A mistake that many young skaters make, however, is not bothering to invest in the proper ice skating practice clothes. Early on they may purchase a few good quality pieces if they are on a junior team or are just beginning their lessons and there is a dress code that they must adhere to; but as time goes on they begin to throw on just any old thing, when they are practicing on their own time. This is a mistake for a number of reasons, and each of them can and will affect their performance in the ring.
You should always wear form-fitting ice skating clothing when you are practicing because your coach cant really see your form or observe your body alignment under baggy clothing. That sweat suit thats fine for basketball wont cut...