How to instill confidence in children?
Fragment from the methodology of the PROJECT Kind Child:
Educational books for children: a unique approach to Education
What parents should not do:
There is no set formula on how to raise children. Each child is different.
Each child is unique, so Parent’s relationships with their children are unique. There are things which are counter productive when talking with a child. It is question of what parents should not do under any condition.
If we want to bring up the child with a good understanding of moral values and a good discipline, we, must first develop the child’s consciousness, to do it’s best in the task to generate in the child’s mind the positive image of his/her self. And we must avoid anything that can destroy this positive image.
Unfortunately, out of ignorance, anger, annoyance, irritation and sometimes desperation parents use lawful methods in raising their children.
As we remember the commandment Thou shall not sin so too we should remember to avoid using any of the following methods: