Often, when people are browsing through the different types of credit cards available, they come across the category of “Student Credit Cards.” Many people, however, are not sure what a student credit card is or why they are even offered. Generally, these cards are meant to be credit cards for college students, although they can be used with high school students as well. To better understand what student credit cards are all about, it is helpful to take a look at student credit card basics.
Who can use a student credit card?
While student credit cards are generally marketed toward college students, anyone can usually apply for one of these cards. Some cards, however, will ask the name of the college the student attends and will require verification in order to receive one of these cards.
Why does the credit card application ask for the name of the college?
Companies offering credit cards for college students realize that college students generally do not have any type of established credit history. A limited credit history makes it more difficult to receive a credit card. On the other hand, these companies realize the importance of...