Have you ever yelled at your credit card executives and asked for clarification of some entries on your bill? Dont worry this is a common case scenario. Maybe you did not use those service or goods and are being forced to pay for someone else who has used your name and identification and committed a fraud. Some fraudsters hack your security code or personal information for their personal use and then they use it.
Identity theft is the fastest growing commercial theft in the 21st century and on September 11th the FBI discovered that 11 of the hijackers were using credit cards and drivers licenses and passports with identities lifted from stolen credit cards or passports, isnt this alarming?
Are you busy thinking about your privacy and your financial information? Are you worried about it being leaked? Dont panic as you can safeguard your information from criminals. The hackers hack your information very easily from computers and then charge the merchandise to your account.
This can be understood with the example of a thief stealing your name, date of birth and social security number to take ownership of your accounts and credit cards!
So if you wish to...