Credit cards have been very commonplace that identity theft has also become one of the most common crimes being done today. The severity of this problem has blown out of proportion and hundreds of millions to billions of dollars each year are being stolen because of this.
The US Congress has put up laws to curb the rise of identity theft but it hasnt made a major dent yet. While we have laws that help us in becoming victims and also punish those caught committing them, it is also up to us to protect ourselves from identity theft. And one of the most effective and easiest way to do this is by protecting our credit cards.
One sordid fact that the US Federal Trade Commission have released to the public is that victims of Identity theft can take an average of a year before they even know that they have been taken by identity thieves. So by the time a person realizes this, he or she may already be deep in debt.
It’s not the time though to panic. Identity theft can be curbed and prevented. All you have to do is to ensure that your credit card and your credit card information is not known to just anyone. There are very simple precautions one can do to...