I like maxims and quips. Little phrases that tell a big story. I like the parables in the Bible because a child can say “I get it,” and an aged student can say “Oh now I get it.” The principle of keeping it simple is a good one for most of life’s situations including trading. And while trading skills are not easy to master, they involve simple principles.
Mastery in most areas of life includes learning to conserve extraneous movement and effort. When it is done right it looks simple and onlookers often say “Well, I could do that.” But the “wanna be” soon finds that it is not as easy as it seems. Trading can be frustrating and discouraging, but when the market seems to get you down and you feel like you will never get it, remember Sean Connery’s famous line, “Impossible, but doable.”
Too often, traders experience real highs and real lows. While the give and take is normal and expected, big swings are usually the result of changing stride or technique inappropriately. Finding your stride or niche can really make the trading life a lot more consistent and smooth and therefore, profitable. Getting...