All major banks including central and government throughout the world make a shed load of money from the currency or foreign exchange market (FOREX).
In the year 2004 the Bank of America made over $750 million.
Until de-regulation in 1997, this money generator was only available to the large financial institutions, but now with as little as $300 any individual can open an account and trade FOREX.
Trading currencies is relatively unknown which is surprising because it is the largest market in the world (trillions of dollars are traded each and every day). It is the best trending market as it keeps moving in the same direction (this can be UP or DOWN) over 78% of the time. As there is no central exchange and because it is a world market FOREX can be traded 24 hours a day so it need not get in the way of your other business interests or social life.
Foreign currency trading is such a lucrative and easy to understand market that many who used to trade stocks, bonds, commodities and futures have switched to trading nothing but FOREX. Even Bill Gates and the world renowned trader Warren Buffet now trade currencies as part of their overall strategies. If...