If You Do Not Have An Excellent Credit Rating And Need A Loan, Then A Bad Credit Secured Loan Could Be The Answer
The number one thing which lenders take into account when deciding if they are going to give you a loan is your credit rating. If your credit rating is less than perfect then a bad credit secured loan could be the answer when it comes to borrowing money.
As the name suggests, a secured loan means that you are asked to put something up as security against the money you are borrowing and in the majority of cases this is your home. A secured loan will generally allow you to borrow on the spare equity of your home. This means that you have to work out how much is left over once you have deducted what is left owing on your mortgage from the total value of your home, although sometimes lenders will allow you to borrow up to 125% of this value but the rate of interest will be higher.
A bad credit secured loan is not only suitable for those with a poor credit rating but is sometimes the only option available for those just starting out, such as those who have just started work. Having no credit rating can make it just as hard to get a loan as having a...