If youre highly informed or even if youre one of those people that just stay home, no doubt youve heard of the Pilates Exercise. The purpose of Pilates Exercises is to stretch and to strengthen your body. That is why Pilates is so popular with most contortionists and ballet dancers.
But just because people are using Pilates for physical improvement, and weight loss, it doesnt mean that a Pilates exercise is a cardiovascular exercise. Pilates is basically a low intensity exercise. Most instructors recommend Pilates with aerobics and other forms of exercise for best effects.
The Pilates Exercise was invented by Joseph Pilates, a German National, as a self exercise. Pilates was born a fragile child, sickly and asthmatic, so he took to exercise to improve his body. When he was a bit older, he was living in France, and was arrested as an enemy alien. During his internment, he was assigned in the medical facilities of the prison and this is where he put Pilates into use, as rehabilitation exercises for the sick.
Since then the Pilates exercises has gained its reputation for helping improve the overall physical state of the body. Pilates exercise is a series of...