A customer relationship management (CRM) application that is not able to create reports is virtually worthless. Accurate reporting in a variety of user-defined ways is one of the core strengths of a good contact management database. Of course, this ability relies on the accurate entry of all the data required for any given report. Without accurate data entry you cannot realistically expect to extract any kind of accuracy in a subsequent report.
Many companies are unaware of the latent power inherent in the data that is entered into the CRM by their sales and marketing team. They fail to realize that all that valuable data can be output as a meaningful and extremely useful report, in addition to just being useful customer contact information.
However, this is something that needs to be thought about before a company rolls out a CRM. Correct measures need to be taken to ensure that the GoldMine software, or ACT! software used is customized enough to allow easy and accurate reporting of selected valuable data.
An example might be a sales person entering lead and prospect information, which, if transformed into a report, will reveal how many leads that sales...