Skin care regimens, however, have different effects on each skin type. This means that skin care treatments and products work well in certain types of skin. Hence, it is really very important for a person to determine his skin type in order to know which products are best on his skin.
Among the five skin types, sensitive skin is probably the hardest type to maintain and handle, for it is more prone to burning, stinging, drying, itching, and other skin complications. People with sensitive skin type also experience adverse reactions with sudden climate changes, certain skin care products, and abrupt feelings of stress.
According to statistics, fair-skinned individuals are usually the ones who have sensitive skin, regardless of ethnic background. In addition to the common complications associated with sensitive skin are a couple of serious skin conditions like eczema, rosacea, and psoriasis.
Sensitive skin care info
Although sensitive skin is the type that is more prone to skin complications, maintaining this skin type is not really that hard once a person learns how to simplify his or her daily skin care routines. It is not really advisable for...