With so many options available to the consumer when looking for a contact lens, it might be really confusing as to which one to choose. There are many different kinds of contact lenses available in the market keeping in mind to suit the needs and wants of a person. The needs differ from a person to another and hence so many varieties are available. There are the soft and rigid varieties mostly used by the people for correcting the vision imparities. Soft lenses are easy to handle and adjust and are very comfortable when worn. They are made up of soft plastic material. They fit the eyes properly, absorb and hold water too. Soft lenses do not pop up like the rigid lenses and also do not accumulate any dust underneath them.
Rigid lenses on the other hand do not absorb chemicals, as in the case of soft lenses. They also give a clear view. Rigid lenses last longer and gas permeable lenses are less expensive than the soft lenses. Both soft and rigid lenses are used for bifocal correction.
Some models correct both near and distant visions while others, correct near vision in one lens and distant vision in another lens. It is very essential for the eyes to get...