Expect to receive a response from the factory within a couple of days. Never make a buying decision based on only one quote. Be sure you make contact with several factories. Dont get excited too soon. Build a profile on each factory you contact. Make a note of how long it took to get in touch with the factory. How many days it took them to respond to you. Did they provide you with detailed information? Were they sensitive to your questions?
Dont commit to doing business with the company until you have established a rapport with them. Research the company online. Visit online forums within your industry and search for comments about the name of the factory. Google the name of the company and see what you find out.
Ask for samples. Samples are usually free, but expect to pay for shipping. I recommend asking for pictures through e-mail prior to shipping anything. Shipping, even a small sample, can cost you close to $50.00. A sample from here, another sample from there could add up. Make sure your contact understands exactly what you are looking for.
Expect to pay for tooling and other set up charges if you are creating a new product. Get multiple quotes from...