Many times you are surfing the internet for something specific and out of no where you receive a pop up window. It is also known as an Internet advertisement of some kind, so you have to close it and continue doing what you were looking at. A lot of different sites and servers today are trying to reduce the number of pop ups that are annoying Internet advertisements by supplying items such as toolbars with the pop up disabler.
There is also software you can buy, or sometimes its free, if you are using the internet, that will block these annoying Internet advertisement pop ups. However with the use of these pop up blockers some sights that you do need to use them on, won’t work correctly unless you disable the pop up blocker.
Therefore, once again you start to see a lot of Internet advertisements on your computer screen. In most cases these can’t be avoided. As annoyed as one might get about them; the only alternative is to deal with the Internet advertisements that pop up or don’t use some of the web sites where the pop up blocker must be disabled.
This doesn’t sound quite fair really, and believe it or not you are not alone, when...