I have to admit the title of my section this week is OUTSTANDING! We all know as we are progressing towards our personal goals, dreams and aspirations that we will fail repeatedly, and then all of a sudden we achieve our ultimate outcome and attain our WHY in LIFE! As I state on my story page, “Each failure is a stepping stone to Success, which in turn will become a very long and lovely stone walkway into the castle of your DREAMS!” You must truly internalize the need to fail in life.
Most people fail more between the ages of 16-25 and then they dont fail ever again in life, which means they never SUCCEED! You see, at the age 25 the majority of people lose their steam and decide to live a life instead of designing a lifestyle for themselves and their families. I am very proud to say that I have failed numerous times in my life. Just ask my parents, they will tell you …”but John you went to college just get a JOB!” As entrepreneurs, we all know that we never have jobs because whatever we do has our life-print on it, which represents our potential. The following is a list of people that we all know who failed before they succeeded. I...