Have you heard the expression, an idle mind is the Devils workshop? There is a lot of truth to this. Our minds are powerful and the things you think about can make or break your attitude towards life. A good example of this is the person who looks forward to retirement, but get depressed months afterwards and returns to work. One would think this would be the best time of your life having the ultimate flexible schedule. Unfortunately it doesnt always work out this way.
Another example is the college student who looks forward to having the summer off, but then spends most of the time at home having trouble getting out of bed or being chronically irritable.
Not everyone has trouble with downtime, but some people need more stimulation than others. In fact, we are increasingly becoming accustomed to continuous mental stimulation with the availability of portable entertainment devices such as ipods, etc.
But even these devices arent enough, theyre only fillers. We still need a major purpose to keep us occupied. For many people this purpose is their job, school, child care, etc.
If you are in a position where you have lost your major purpose that is the...