Every web site owner wants to increase search engine traffic. Its free and the visitor is targeted to your subject matter, product or service. What more could you ask for in search engine traffic? The downside is that you need to understand search engine ranking methods and that is quite a challenge for many.
The amount of opinions and experts on ways to increase search engine traffic is overwhelming. And regardless of what anyone might tell you, theyre all guessing. The search engines themselves dont divulge how their methods work for one simple reason. As soon as anyone figures out the method, theres a mad rush to implement changes based on the method.
In a perfect world, where there were no scoundrels, this might not be a factor. Everyone would organize their web site information so that a visitor could easily find what theyre are looking for, and life would be good. But we certainly dont live in a perfect world and scoundrels are everywhere.
So we are at the mercy of the search engines to help us sort through the clutter to find what we want. And thats the value that the search engines provide, accurate and meaningful search engine results that are...