Cardio and Ripped Abs Why So Important To You?
A great way to get you back on track to your fat loss mission is not by doing hundreds of crunches and then expecting ripped abs. Cardio is a must to reduce excessive body fat. Interval
training will multiply your results. Cardio fat burning exercises will help you lose fat instead of just muscle and water weight – which is not something that will happen if you just go on a regular diet.
Cardio, too, will help kick up your metabolism. Avoid cardio-overdrive at all times, this is doing too much cardio training that prevents your body from recovering. Recovery is the name of the game.
Combined with a good weight training regimen and a low fat diet in just a few months you will notice great results. Weight training combines building muscle tone and working the cardiovascular
system as well. Plus it also helps your joints. Pick your favorite days to train your muscles, it is recommended that you do it every other day, remember to rest. As mentioned earlier give your
body ample time to recover and regenerate. Don’t workout if your are dead sore, simply wait a few days and go...