Do you have enough energy to create the life you want? Energy is the critical, invisible force that creates your vitality and aliveness.
Without it, you drag through life, tired, stressed, and drained. With it, you feel good, enjoy yourself, and have the fuel to create what you want in life.
When it comes to energy, more is definitely better and you can create more energy with a few simple steps.
Your Energy Account
Think of your energy like a bank account. Your thoughts, activities, actions, and interactions all have the potential to increase or decrease the balance in your account.
Withdrawing energy lowers the balance; depositing energy raises the balance. To keep your energy account high (which is what you want) minimize your withdrawals and maximize your deposits.
It sounds so simple but how can you actually do this?
How Do You Keep the Balance High?
Here are two keys to increasing the balance in your energy account.
1) Drop the drains.
We use energy all day long. That’s what energy is for. However, some things drain too much of our life energy.
You might be drained by your job, certain...