Increasing Your Web Site Traffic : Passive vs Active Online Promotion
Your website needs visitors, that means you need to promote your site to attract traffic. You have 2 general ways in which you can do this passive promotion, or active promotion. As you’ll see, passive promotion will give you a greater return on your time and money if you give it time!
Let’s say you opened a dry cleaners. If you place an advert in the paper, that is active promotion. You write and pay for an advert, and people reading the paper that week get to know about your business. If you want to continue promoting your business in that way though, you need to keep renewing your advert.
If, instead of placing an advert in the paper, you put up a permanent sign in the local town, that would be passive promotion. Once you have paid for the sign and got permission to put it in that location, it will continue to promote your business for months or even years to come, with no further input from you!
Generating hits to your website can also be done actively or passively. Active promotion includes things like PPC (Pay Per Click), banner advertising, adverts on classified...