Greece is a country in the Southeastern point of Europe, occupying an area of 131, 957 square kilometers and a population amounting to about 11,000,000. Athens is the capital of Greece.
Mutuality Among Diversity
Crossroads of colors, cultures, and civilization are the main characteristics of Greece. A step into the country takes you back to the warmth and the grandeur of ancient and historic Greece that seems to be found only in books. Discover the evolutionary process of influence, experience, and thought in Greece.
Greece has a unique and affluent historical past that influenced its locals to gaze optimistically and confidently into the future. The country, despite being statistically small, is characterized by its huge diversity.
A WTO 15th Placer
Welcoming more than 14 million tourists annually, Greece ranked 15th on the World Tourism Organization list of countries with inbound tourism making it one of the most popular tourist destinations worldwide.
Beautiful landscapes are captured in postcards but its vibrant and animated way of life, needs to be lived in order to be appreciated.
Moments in...