Infant Sleep Aids to Benefit Mom and Her Baby Naturally
Lack of sleep are some of the most common problems parents face with their kids. Getting and keeping a child asleep at night is a major concern. Not only is the little one uncomfortable, but so are their mothers. Anyone who has ever had a young child or baby in the house is well aware of the misery that follows a sleepless night. Infants under a month old and some older babies often appreciate being swaddled. They should be snugly wrapped in a blanket for warmth and security. It can help calm a baby down and may keep her from being awakened by her own startle reflex at night. Establishing a predictable bedtime routine is one of the best ways to ensure that everyone in the house will get a good night’s rest. With very young infants, the process will take time and they still need middle of the night feedings. It is very helpful that young babies establish a feeding schedule in the night. Once the nighttime feedings become a thing of the past, a great baby sleep aid is to warm a bottle or breastfeed right before the baby is laid down. Being fed and comforted with the warmth of a mother, a baby usually will help...