Information Gained From Web Analysis Is Essential For Internet Marketing
Web analysis or web log analysis is the process by which one finds out the typical usage of the internet for any given category of variables. It searches or parses the logs of popular servers to compile the data into useable, legible forms. This is necessarily done with computer software because the log is constructed of code that is not readable to the human and untrained eye and needs to be separated out and translated into useable information. The software that is used to do this is called a parser and is most often generated by another script that is called a parser generator. Multiple parsers are necessary as there are multiple forms or languages in which the web logs can be organized.
So what kind of information can you gain with web analysis tools and why is it so essential for success in the internet marketing sector? All of the information that is gained is in terms of numbers of events that involve sites located on a particular server. This would include number of visitors, number of unique visitors, the days of the week and times of day for those visits, the links visited from that...