The good news; at last, you have achieved your dream. You’ve escaped the traditional, away from home work force and are now self-employed whether it be part-time or full-time. Now, the bad news;You are now self-employed. It is both good news and bad news. That is, if you are not prepared to deal with the information overload. There you sit, in your spiffy new office – whether it’s in the corner of the sitting room or in a converted bedroom surrounded by your equally spiffy new toys…your computer, desk and some strategically placed shelves. Your new multi-function center will print stuff, fax stuff and copy stuff. (It won’t hang out the washing, but hey, you can’t have everything.)
You’ve even got work coming-in and the immediate worry about making a living has vanished. Hooray! You really *can* work from home! At first, working at home is pure bliss. Then you get a week when everybody and their dog seems to want your services. After putting in a few late nights, you meet all the deadlines and think; phew…I’m glad that’s over! You decide to relax and give yourself a day off. After all, you worked all through the...