The term Project normally defines a time-bound set of actions, usually meant for the future, starting with the present, and based on the experiences of the past, and right from historical times, the art of successfully managing a project has often been witnessed in Mans conquest of new lands, wars, space and even modern technology. However in recent times, that has transformed into a science that can be learned, mastered and practiced in any field or discipline by the application of some simple ground rules, that can ensure successful project completion by anyone in any situation.
The Nucleus: Any project is centered around an objective, which could germinate from an idea or a wish to fulfill a mission, and efforts are directed to achieve the same within a specified time frame, – that is the crux, and without which, no worthwhile activity is possible.
The Origin: One single person or a group who are the brains/sponsors behind the whole thing, carry out the essential steps of conceiving the project plan, and provisioning of the required inputs/resources and do an extremely critical job in the formative stages, and continue to do so, till the lifetime of the...