Requirements for licensing and/or authorization for educational institutions vary from state to state in the United States. Most states require that a learning institution be certified, authorized and/or accredited in order to award degrees to students. There are some schools out there that do not meet these requirements. In fact, there are several levels of fraud found in some educational programs and “schools.” They range from using the student’s work history as the “learning” period that earned the degree to simply selling diplomas. These “diploma mills” have been around for decades. Online degrees programs like Degrees-R-Us promise a bachelor’s, masters or doctoral degree in about 10 days. (There is a higher tuition fee if you want to graduate with honors!)
Now, however, there are some states (Oregon, Iowa, and South Dakota) that are cracking down on schools within their borders that grant degrees without any type of approval and legitimate accreditation. There are also some states (Wyoming, Montana, and Hawaii) that allow unaccredited universities to do business as long as they have a physical presence in the state....