What is an instant messenger and why would you want one? Well an Instant Messenger is an innovative way to chat with friends, family, and even business associates all while you are online either at work or at home. Using them is as easy as signing online and opening the program. There are many different instant messengers on the market, one such messenger is Windows Live Messenger, which is an updated version of the Windows Messenger. Other such messengers are Yahoo, and AIM.
When deciding on which messenger you want to try, it is decision based upon need and ease of use. You want one that is easy to install, is compatible with your computer, and does what you need and want it to. Another thing to consider is how many problems or glitches the programs have, also how often is it updated.
When you go to set up your Instant Messenger, you might want to install any cameras and microphones in advance. Setting them up prior to installation will save you time getting them to work with your instant messenger. The messenger will simply detect them in your computer and adjust them for you. All of this happens the first time you use either of these features. ...