Most internet marketing ventures start as one-man operations. When mistakes are made, you know who to blame. But don’t just beat yourself up, remember that when progress is made, that was all you too. Celebrate the small victories.
When you are just starting in internet marketing, keeping a positive mindset can be a crucial ingredient of long term survival. On or off the web, most new businesses do not become profitable immediately. Sales can be mediocre as your marketing campaign gets going, and if you didn’t plan ahead for this fallow period you may begrudge the out-of-pocket expenses that arise. It is easy to get discouraged.
Worse, many marketers lack basic support and encouragement. In a normal workplace there are other employees to share the load and help solve problems. Not so for most start-ups, and your personal support network may lack enthusiasm. Your friends may think you’re a sucker involved with some newfangled scam. Your family may worry that your seemingly unprofitable internet career is interfering with your day job.
You must remember that you are your own manager, and good managers care about their employees’ morale...